Soul Sentinels 1 – Set and Sab

From the worlds of Pharaohs and Gods comes the eternal struggle between just and evil. Chosen by the ancient Sun God Ra, Set and Sab are among but a few who aim to protect and humanity from the demonic forces.

Over the ages the chosen Sentinels have grown lonely and look for peace.

Soul Sentinels 1 - Set and Sab by Becca VanThe moment Zara Barry sees Setau Abasi and Sabu Azizi walk into the diner in Price, Utah she’s intrigued.

Set and Sab had been working as slaves thousands of years ago for the greedy pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. That was until they stepped in to stop an elderly slave from being whipped to death right in front of their eyes.

The sun god, Ra stepped in when Set, Sab, and six other slaves tried to save the old man’s life and rewarded them with immortality, almost superhuman powers, and the status of demi-gods. Their task is to protect humanity from the underworld’s god and Ra’s nemesis, Apep, from releasing his shadow demons on humans for eternity.

Set and Sab realize that Zara is their woman but aren’t sure how to go about meeting her. However, fate steps in when Zara falls and hurts herself giving Set and Sab the opportunity for first contact with their mate. Convincing her that she is safe with them is another matter.

As much as Zara will change the lives of Set and Sab, will she be able to accept the change in her own life to be with these Soul Sentinels.

Check out the Adult Excerpt of Set and Sab here.Bookstrand GIF

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