Slick Rock 13 – Triple H Ranch

Slick Rock 13 – Triple H Ranch. Scared, exhausted and out of options, Cat is aided by three retires SEALs brothers on the outskirts of Slick Rock. Hank, Barry and David Heritage live at the Triple H Ranch, the ideal semi-retired lifestyle.

Though Cat is well aware of the influence her “hero’s” have on her, she can not forget her difficult relationship past, or her current life threatening predicament. She needs to use her head now more than ever.

Slick Rock 13 - Triple H Ranch - By Becca VanCatalina Ball is on the run. After finding her parents murdered on the living room floor of their house, she escapes before the killer can get her. She spends three months in a safe house being protected by the sheriffs of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, trying to come to terms with her parent’s horrific death and her grief, but the danger isn’t over. The killer finds where she’s hiding and after killing the deputy, comes after her.

Cat manages to escape but she’s exhausted from her panicked flight and collapses on the outskirts of Slick Rock, Colorado. Hank, Barry, and David Heritage, owners of the Triple H Ranch, think Catalina is the woman they’ve been waiting for. They take her into their home, to rest and heal, and begin to court her. Cat tries to keep her distance, but it’s an impossible task when she is so attracted to the three men. When danger hits town, will the three retired SEALs be able to save her from the madman hell bent on snuffing out her life?

Keeping Cat safe will be another mission for the SEALS from Slick Rock. Can they do it?

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