Slave Gold 3 – Darcy’s Zennoxian Mates

Slave Gold 3 – Darcy’s Zennoxian Mates. Finding a bracelet in the dark behind her car after a night out with a friend, Darcy decided to report the find to Police the next day. Such an unusual bracelet deserves a fitting, lets just try it on…

Darcy’s life is about to change more than she would ever dare to imagine. An alien world, many willing and determined suitors. She now needs to learn her own heart and decide on the life she wishes to follow into the future.

Slave Gold 3 – Darcy's Zennoxian MatesFroz, Drac, Plat, Lowl, and Cark Bim see a flash of light in the distance while out on border patrol on their planet, Zennox, and go to investigate. At first they think the female seemingly asleep in the middle of nowhere is a trap, but discover no one is around and are worried the female is ill or hurt.

When Darcy Archer first wakes up and finds herself on a different planet and surrounded by five very tall, muscular men, she freaks out. But for some reason she is drawn to them like no other man before and her body responds to their handsome faces and manly physiques. When she finds out that they think she’s their mate, she is uncertain about what she wants to do, but the more time she spends with them, the more she craves their touch.

But other warriors have heard about and seen her and want her for their own. Darcy has some hard decisions to make, but will they be the right ones? And will she decide in time?

Can Darcy make the right decisions for her immediate safety and her future happiness?

Read the Adult Excerpt of Darcy’s Zennoxian Mates Here.Bookstrand GIF

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