Elite Dragon 2 – Three To The Rescue

Elite Dragons 2 - Three To The Rescue - By Becca Van Erotic Romance

When Janie Fraser is rescued from a dungeon-like basement across the border in Canada by the Elite Dragons, Seton, Wolf and Lander Garman are immediately drawn to her.

After two months of slow courting, the three brothers decide its time to up the ante and woo Janie into their bed. But Janie was a late baby for her elderly parents and is confused about having a relationship with three men. The Garman brothers do what they think is right for her and let her go.

When Janie is kidnapped and rescued by Seton, Wolf and Lander, they vow not to let her leave again. But this time it is Seton who is fighting his feelings of love and vulnerability.

Will the evil that sweeps onto the Elite Dragons stud farm prevail, or will Seton ruin the relationship for them all?



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