Alpha Province: Crossfire

Alpha Province: Crossfire - by Becca VanAfter losing her parents and sister in a fire and trying to live her life in her hometown of Austin, Texas, Elsa Jackman has had enough. She packs up her things and takes to the road.

Preston, Gabriel, and Liam Louis know that Elsa is their mate as soon as they see and scent her. When they overhear her plans of opening a bed and breakfast in their town, they offer to show her around.

Elsa’s glad to have the support of the three, tall, handsome Louis brothers when she puts forward her proposal to all the residents in Ambrose, North Dakota and is excited when everyone agrees.

Even though she tries to ignore the strong attraction to the three Kodiak bear shifters and retired FBI agents, she knows how fleeting life can be and agrees to be their mate.

Just when her life is taking a change for the better, unknown danger follows her to Ambrose.

Elsa doesn’t think she’ll survive.

Check out the Adult Excerpt of Crossfire here.Bookstrand GIF

Released April 23, 2018. Buy now at Siren BookStrand.

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