When You’re Dragging Your Feet. ?


Rambling On… 02 September 2022.


Last month was a hard one for us.

Unfortunately, we had a death in the family. My husband’s cousin passed away suddenly at the age of fifty-one and still, no one knows why.

It was busy and emotional, and we had people coming and going from our house on and off for two weeks, which was fine and expected since my man’s parents live in another state, but it also made working a bit difficult. However, we got there in the end and now we’re both just tired.

All we’ve done is work and house chores and mundane stuff and we need a break. We’re dragging our feet.

Our 33rd wedding anniversary is coming up this month, and we can’t go away until the middle of October, but we’re going to.

We haven’t figured out where we’re going to go camping, but I’m not sure it will be north up on the banks of the mighty Murray River since we’re in our 3rd La Nina, and we’ve had lots of rain with more predicted over the next six months.

We will however investigate before we head off to make sure we aren’t going to get caught up in floods and end up getting stuck. Maybe the rivers will have gone down and if not we can look at camping near a lake. Or maybe we won’t go near any bodies of water at all.

We’ll do our research and decide where we’re heading closer to our holiday date.

Last year my man and I had plans to drive up to Darwin in the Northern Territory but because of Covid we were locked down the day before we were supposed to leave. #Sigh#

We had thought about heading north this winter but with the price of fuel being so ridiculously high as well as food, we’re putting our big trip off until next year. Let’s hope the world’s economy is better by then, but to be honest, maybe we’ll still go no matter what. It’s been a dream of ours for a few years to drive from way down south in Victoria, all the way to the top of Australia to Darwin seeing the sights and having a long break.

Tomorrow my man and I are going to my sister’s for dinner. My son and daughter are working so they can’t come. My sister’s family, our parents and my brother and his family will also be there. We’re all bringing something so my sister doesn’t have to do everything.

Her son is flying back home to Geelong from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia with his daughter, and it will be wonderful to see them again.

I have to get up early and get to the shops so I can start cooking since we are supposed to be at my sister’s by 4 pm. I can’t wait to see them all.


Have a great weekend.
Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo


What Have I Been Writing?

Last month I wrote two books. The second book in my new Rescue Ranch series and a stand-alone book involving two men and one woman. I have submitted both books to Siren BookStrand and I hope my publisher likes them enough to publish them.

I have just started working on the third instalment of my Rescue Ranch series and haven’t gotten far yet, but I have a feeling the heroes of my story are going to have a difficult time in the beginning. ?


Slave Gold Elites - Vipan's Mission


Slave Gold Elites 5 –

               Vipan’s Mission 

Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo. 



Released August 12.


Slick Rock 37 - Fairy Tale Ending - by Becca Van - Book Cover




Slick Rock 37 –               

                  Fairy Tale Ending


Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.



Released July 4.




Fae Kingdom 4 - Princess Charlotte

Fae Kingdom 3 –

              Princess Charlotte

Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.


Release Date September 16

Fae Kingdom 3 - Princess Sadie - by Becca Van

Fae Kingdom 3 – 

              Princess Sadie

Available to Order on Siren BookStrand website.

Release Date September 2

What Have I Been Reading?

Susan Bliler - Skin Walker Series

I’m still reading Susan Bliler’s Skin Walker series. However, I hadn’t read Recker until recently which is book 17 and very enjoyable. I also haven’t read James, book 18 in the series but I hope to do that over the weekend or maybe through next week.

I really like Ms Bliler’s work and would recommend her shape-shifting, paranormal romance stories.

I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next time.


Becca Van XXOO

PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…