Slick Rock 14 – A Place To Belong

Keeping a low profile in Slick Rock, Sallyanne is discovered by Will, Frank and Rick. Finding out about her horrific past, the boys tenderly try to gain her trust.

Slick Rock 14 - A Place To Belong by Becca VanWill, Frank and Rick Blanchard moved to Slick Rock, Colorado just over six months ago. While spending a night out at the pub with good friends Hank, Barry and David Heritage and their fiancé, Catalina Ball, they see a blonde haired, green eyed woman they are very attracted to.

When the woman passes out while having a panic attack, all their instinctive protective instincts kick in, but how are they going to convince Sallyanne Darwin that they are the good guys, and would never do anything to hurt her?

The three Blanchard men are gutted and horrified when they find out what Sally has been through, but they also know that she’s the woman they’ve been waiting for and aren’t going to give up.

Sally’s been to hell and back and needs to overcome her fears of the opposite sex before she can move forward into a loving relationship.

Under the loving care of Will, Frank and Rick, she doesn’t stand a chance of keeping them at a distance.

Can they keep her safe when her horrific past catches up with her?

Sallyanne’s past is coming to town, placing her under extreme danger. Can the Blanchard brothers, be able to not only gain her trust but also keep her safe?

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