“Look at these gorgeous breasts,” King said, cupping one of her breasts, then kneading and molding it in his huge hand. He flicked his thumb over the nipple, causing a heated ache to shoot straight down to her pussy. “I love these hard little berries. I wonder if they taste as good as the berry juice does.”

She didn’t get a chance to reply because in the next moment King was whirling his tongue around her areola, and then he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She gasped and groaned. She’d noticed each time Alton and then Tam had kissed her that their tongues had a slight sandpapery roughness to them, and King’s was just the same. Having his abrasive tongue lashing over her nipple had her quivering with an arousal so strong, she wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

Tam nibbled and lapped at her shoulder and skin as he worked his way down toward her chest. He laved her other nipple with his tongue then drew it into his mouth and suckled on it.

Sable’s womb and pussy spasmed, sending another slew of juices out onto her folds and inner thighs.

“You smell so fucking good,” Alton said between panted breaths. “I can’t wait another second.” He pushed her thighs farther apart, smoothed his hands up her inner thighs, and lowered his head.

Sparks of need skated up her spine when he licked at her inner thighs. She couldn’t stop moaning because she felt so out of control. There was nothing she could do but lie back and enjoy each lick, each caress, and every kiss.

Molten need pooled low in her belly as Alton’s mouth got closer and closer to her soaked pussy. She jolted when he blew air onto her engorged, throbbing clit, and when it throbbed harder, her inner muscles spasmed.

The first lap of his tongue up through her folds from bottom to top was the most pleasure she’d ever felt in her life. The couple of times she’d had sex with her ex-boyfriends had never, ever felt like this, and they were just getting started.

King released the nipple he’d been suckling on, grasped her chin between his finger and thumb, and turned her toward him. She barely had time to inhale before his mouth was on hers.

She kissed him back as rapaciously as he kissed her. Each of the Garrison brothers tasted so good and yet slightly different from each other. Sable was sure she’d be able to tell who was who even if she were blindfolded.

Alton wrapped his arms around her upper thighs, spreading her legs wider, and then he shoved his mouth into her pussy. This time he didn’t lap at her slowly—he ate at her sex as if he was dying from famishment.

“Oh, oh, oh,” she gasped out when King broke the kiss.

“Do you like have your sexy little cunt licked, honey?” Tam asked in a deep voice. “Do you like what my brother is doing to you?”

“Yes. God yes!” She cried out when Alton swirled his tongue around and around her clit. When he lashed her distended nub with the tip of his tongue, she bowed her hips up closer to his mouth.

He growled and then began to make a purring sound right on top of her throbbing pearl. Vibrations reverberated deep into her pussy and womb, making her clinch, and another slew of her juices wept from her hole.

Tension invaded her muscles, making her body feel so taut she thought she might snap. She rolled her head back and forth on the mattress, but when she tried to shift her legs with a restless need, Alton tightened his arms around her thighs, holding her in place.

Sable wanted to beg him to fuck her, but she was so breathless she wasn’t sure her pleading words would be intelligible.

Please, please, please, she chanted in her mind.

* * * *

Alton’s cock was so fucking hard he couldn’t stand his pants rubbing against his erection. The protuberance on the top of his dick was swelling rapidly, and he was leaking precum.

He’d never tasted anything as delicious as Sable’s juices, and now that he had, he knew it would never be enough. He could have spent the next week with his head between her thighs without coming up for air. Who needed to eat or sleep when he had such a delectation as fare?

Although he wanted to part the seam on his trousers and get some relief for his aching cock, he wasn’t about to release his erection until he’d made his chosen explode. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to keep his blazing need at bay if he freed his dick. His griffin had attempted and was still attempting to get out so he could claim their mate. He wasn’t about to do that until he had Sable’s consent.

Pushing his own lust to the back of his mind as much as he could, he twirled his tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of her pussy and rimmed her dripping hole with his finger.

When he dipped into her creamy well and she gripped the tip with her muscles, he groaned. He could just imagine having her slick, tight walls rippling around his hard cock. Once more, when he noticed where his thoughts were at, he blanked his mind and started pumping his finger in and out of her cunt.

She moaned and panted, and after a few strokes into and out of her snug heat, she began to move with him, rocking her hips in sync with his rhythm. Alton kept his thrusts to an easy pace, giving her time to get used to having his thick finger penetrating her, and when the tautness loosened slightly, he added another finger.

Slave Gold Dimesions 3 : New Reality Book Cover

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