Slave Gold 4 – United Alliance

The Slave Gold Bracelet is a beautiful and mystical artefact. When River became aware of the bracelet on her arm she never guessed her life would be turned upside down.

Four rugged men with amazing eyes want more from River than she even knew she could give. Having the courage and strength to stay with them, and give herself too them, is proving to be a most difficult task.

Slave Gold 4 - United Alliance by Becca VanRiver Caisson never expected to find a slave gold bracelet wrapped around her upper arm after a beautiful dark-haired woman bumped into her on her way home from work. And she never expected to somehow end up on an alien planet called Safura, surrounded by handsome men with glowing purple pupils. Nor did she expect the four leaders of Safura to claim that she is their mate. Stryk, Palk, Toak, and Hakk Mag are astounded when a female appears on their table in the feasting room, but as soon as they touch her they know she is meant to be theirs.

Convincing River is another matter. The four men aren’t her only concern. While researching everything about the enemy, the Pendags, the four Mag brothers are trying to talk the leaders of Aeros, Cardinal, and Zennox into a united alliance, but the other leaders aren’t sure they want an alliance.

It’s up to River and three other human women to convince them otherwise.

As the leaders of Safura work to deal with their imminent threat. River becomes instrumental in developing an alliance that will help with the war effort. Ill she be able to convince them to trust the other combatants in the alliance.

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