Silencing The Beast Next To Me… ?


Rambling On… 05 August 2022.

My man has sleep apnoea and has had it for years.
He’s always tired and a while back I was very worried about his health since he was looking a bit grey around the edges.

I made him go to the doctor and he was referred to a sleep specialist.

The specialist recommended that he get his nose fixed since he had a deviated septum which he did, however, unfortunately, that didn’t make much of a difference.

He was then referred to another specialist to get a plate made for his mouth which pushed his lower jaw forward to hopefully open his airways. He wore it every night religiously, but it still didn’t help much. He also broke the $2000 plate twice and was charged a couple of hundred dollars to have it fixed the first time but the second time he superglued it together himself. Lol, don’t think that was a good thing to do, having goodness knows what chemicals in his mouth and seeping into his system. The third time he broke the plate, he’d had enough, cleaned it, and put it away in the cupboard.

His snoring every night was atrociously loud. So loud in fact the noise he made constantly woke me up which was frustrating since I have trouble getting to sleep most of the time.

It was also pretty scary listening to his airways slowly close up each time he breathed in until he finally stopped breathing altogether. The sleep test revealed that he stops breathing seven times in a fifteen-minute period.


Anyway, if I was awake I’d nudge him with my foot or push against his shoulder which would make him start breathing again. We were both suffering because of his condition.

I forced him to go back to the doctor and the sleep expert and told him he needed to get a CPAP machine.

He’s had it for a week and hallelujah, the air being forced into his lungs has also helped with his snoring. He’s hardly snoring at all now and if he does it’s more of a purr. Lol.

He’s also feeling a bit more energetic now that he’s getting the air he needs to oxygenate his blood and he isn’t working so hard to breathe. We’re both sleeping much better, and I’m no longer worried he’s going to cark it through the night.

The CPAP machine isn’t too noisy and doesn’t bother me enough to interrupt or deter me from getting to sleep.
It’s a win win for both of us.

If you have a family member with sleep apnoea make them go and see someone for help. This condition can be dangerous and even deadly.

I hope you’ve all had a great week and I wish you all a fantastic weekend.
Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo.


What Have I Been Writing?

I started writing the second story in my new series Rescue Ranch and am just beginning to get to know my characters. This ranch was started by retired military guys and has become a sanctuary for fellow soldiers, abused horses, and animals.

This book is only at the start but my heroines have unique abilities they try to hide from the rest of the world. However, when the men who live on the ranch in Montana meet them, nothing will stop them from making those women theirs.


Slick Rock 37 - Fairy Tale Ending - by Becca Van - Book Cover




Slick Rock 37 –               

                  Fairy Tale Ending


Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.



Released July 4.




Slave Gold Elites - Angel Book Cover


Slick Rock 36 –


Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo. 



Released May 27.


Fae Kingdom 2 - Princess Shailyn - by Becca Van

Fae Kingdom 2 –

              Princess Shailyn

Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.


Release Date August 19

Fae Kingdom 1 - Fairy Queen - by Becca Van

Fae Kingdom 1 – 

              Fairy Queen

Available to Order on Siren BookStrand website.

Release Date August 5

What Have I Been Reading?

Kaylea Cross’ Lethal Edge (Rifle Creek Series Book 1)

I’ve not long finished reading Kaylea Cross’ Lethal Edge (Rifle Creek Series Book 1). This was a great story and captured my attention from the start.

It was good to see the relationship develop between Dr Nina Benitez and Tate Baldwin, the cynical cop who wasn’t interested in getting involved with another woman after being burned.

This book kept me glued to the pages from the first to the last. I would recommend this romantic suspense story to everyone.

I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next time.


Becca Van XXOO

PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…