Passion, Victoria 6 – Hailey’s Secret

Passion, Victoria 6 – Hailey’s Secret. Haileys secret past continues to haunt her. Her “monster” continues to follow her each time she moves. Hailey moves to Passion to evade her nightmares, only to be found again. Will the Bartram boys learn Hailey’s secret and can they help her over her torment?

The following Blurb will present Hailey’s secret. Can you stop there?

Passion, Victoria - Hailey's Secret - By Becca Van

Hailey Wood arrives in the town of Passion, Victoria, Australia, after two years on the run. She’s running from the monster that has destroyed her life. She inadvertently meets the three sexy, handsome Bartram brothers when she awakens them with her screams through the thin walls of her motel room. They burst through her door ready to do battle for her.

Dillon, Chance, and Roman want Hailey as soon as they see her, but every time they get near her she flinches away from them. They know Hailey has been hurt by someone in her past but won’t give up until they have her in their arms.

Hailey’s monster kidnaps her, and the men of Passion come together to try and get to her before her monster can hurt her again. Will her men get to her time? Will they be able to hold her in their arms again? Or will she be too damaged mentally as well as physically and push them away once more?

Passion brings out the best of the boys; and the naughtiest from the girls. Read the book to find out how Hailey will confront her monster.

Read Hailey’s Secret Adult Excerpt Here.

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