Panic Buying??? Beware The Flu.

Rambling On… 06 March 2020.


So, the Coronavirus…

I went to the shops the other day to pick up a few things and when I got to the toilet paper and tissue aisle, I was shocked to see that all the shelves were empty. While I understand that this new virus is a little worrisome, the panic buying doesn’t make sense to me.

If you look at statistics, more people die of cancer and other illness such as the common cold every single day. Why is it that a media saturation and fearmongering cause people to go into a panic?

I’m not belittling anyone who is concerned, but this pandemic is mostly affecting the young, the elderly and frail. If a person is in good health, the symptoms shouldn’t be life threatening.

I’ve never in my life see such long empty shelves. I can’t understand what this panic buying is all about. There isn’t a shortage of toilet paper and tissues in our country since we have a manufacturer here in South Australia and we’re not going to run out. This virus isn’t causing people to be stuck in the bathroom for weeks on end. It affects the lungs and bronchial tubes. So, what gives, Australia?

I had a good laugh when I decided to do a search online on E-Bay the other day after being to the supermarket regarding toilet paper and found someone selling a 32 pack of toilet paper for $1,000,000 with a delivery fee of $500,000. It was a joke of course and the advert said that the pack would be sent via helicopter and delivered to the door with armoured guards.

Apparently, bottled water had also become a rarity also. It’s also really hard to get antiseptic hand sanitiser. As far as I know, washing your hands thoroughly, for at least thirty seconds to a minute is more than enough to get rid of germs. I always wash my hands before touching and preparing food and using the bathroom. Surely, it’s just common sense that cleanliness with handwash and water is efficient enough to prevent the spread of germs and infection? Maybe I’m getting it wrong.

Maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye, but I refuse to pack my cupboards to the rafters with unnecessary items. I refuse to let the fear of getting ill rule my life since I already struggle with other stuff and don’t want to add to it.

I figured if my numbers up, then it’s up and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m going to enjoy each and every day I have as much as possible.

Stay safe, happy and healthy.

Love Becca Van XXOO.


What Have I Been Writing?

I’ve just started the second installation of Beautifully Imperfect and though I don’t as yet have a title I can tell you my heroine’s name is Shanna Frank and her policemen heroes are Harlan Elliot and Lawson Carey. I’m loving writing this new book and developing my characters as they try to deal with what life has thrown at them.

You might be pleased to know that Siren BookStrand has agreed to publish the first book in this new series called, Beautifully Imperfect: Joelle’s Saving Grace (Book 1). Thanks Siren, I can’t wait until this book is released for sale. I hope you all like the new book which should be out early April.

Pack Law 10:
         Golden Opportunity

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Slave Gold Dimensions 3:
                       New Reality

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Slick Rock 28 :

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Pack Law 10:
     Golden Opportunity

Available to Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.

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What Have I Been Reading?

I’m halfway through Teresa Gabelman’s Bishop (The Protector Series) Book 15.

This book is so exciting and I’m just getting to the meaty part of the story where anything could happen or go wrong. I love Bonnie and Bishop and though I know they’ll probably get their HEA, I can’t wait to read the rest.

I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next week.


Becca Van XXOO

PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…