I Had A Sleepover, Well Sort Of. 😏


Rambling On… 17 June 2022.

Last weekend was a long one.
Monday was the Labour Day public holiday which worked out well for us.
Friday night I drove to my sister’s. We got Thai food take away which was good and luckily for me they catered to my food intolerances, and I had no adverse reaction.
My sister and I talked for hours, and hours and we shared a bottle of wine, or so I thought. I found out the next morning that it was more than a bottle. No wonder I was so tipsy. If I have a bit much to drink I have trouble sleeping. Add in the fact that I was in an unfamiliar bed, and I was still awake at 3: a.m. The menagerie of animals outside the bedroom window and frolicking like a herd of elephants on the tin roof, plus the growling and the hissing of fighting possums weren’t conducive to a night of good sleep.
However, I don’t care about the lack of shuteye because I got to spend time with my sister and her husband.
We had a great night and were able to finally reconnect without any interruptions. It’s good that we go to the hairdresser together on a regular basis but most of the time we can’t talk about much. The ladies who work at the salon are lovely, but very chatty which I guess is also part of their jobs, which means my sister and I can’t really talk in depth, if we’re lucky enough to get a word in edgewise.
Monday was a treat as well since my daughter came home and stayed the night. I made a roast lamb dinner with roast and steamed veg. It was nice to be able to give her a hug, to listen and talk to my girl.
Have a great weekend.
Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo


What Have I Been Writing?

I am writing the second book in my new Fae Kingdom series. I’m having fun with this fantasy world and letting my imagination expand beyond the norm.

I hope you all end up liking it too.


Slave Gold Elites - Angel Book Cover


Slick Rock 36 –


Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo. 



Released May 27.


Slave Gold Elites: Destiny by Becca Van




Slave Gold Elites –               



Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.



Released April 1.




Slave Gold Elites - Vipan's Mission

Slave Gold Elites:

              Vipan’s Mission

Available to Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.


Release Date July 8

Slick Rock 37 - Fairy Tale Ending - by Becca Van - Book Cover

Slick Rock 37 – 

              Fairy Tale Ending

Available to Order on Siren BookStrand website.

Release Date June 3

What Have I Been Reading?

Cowboy Paradise Cowboys of Nirvana

I don’t know if age is catching up with me or maybe it’s just the time of the year since we’re in the winter months, but I’ve been really tired. Tired enough to fall asleep in my chair while watching TV at night which is something I hardly ever do.

Anyway, because I’ve been so weary, I haven’t read that much. However, I have started reading Cowboy Paradise: Cowboys of Nirvana the first book in an 8-book series by Rhonda Lee Carver.

It’s a m/f novella romance. I’m 60% of the way through and am enjoying the story so far.

I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next time.


Becca Van XXOO

PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…