Guardian Sabears 3: Picture Perfect

Guardian Sabears 3: Picture Perfect - Book Cover - by Becca VanKailin Landon, also known as Lady K, the famous country and western singer/songwriter, is being stalked. The police have no leads, and when her nemesis ups the ante by leaving her threatening notes, the star decides to hire Guardian Security.

Darian, Deacon, and Deklon Blythe, sabears shifters, aren’t looking forward to guarding a famous diva, but when they arrive at her hotel, all three brothers are happily shocked when they realize that she is their mate.

An attempt is made on Lady K’s life but her bodyguards manage to keep her relatively safe.  As they try to protect her from flying bullets, one of the men accidentally reveals he’s more than human.

The Blythe brothers spirit their mate away to their island home and are hoping that Kailin will agree to be their mate, but don’t think they stand a chance since she’s used to the limelight.

Danger follows them to St. Lawrence Island and when Kailin is abducted, it’s up to the Blythe men, with their friends help to rescue her.

Will they be in time?

Read the Adult Excerpt of Picture Perfect here.  Bookstrand GIF

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