Elite Dragons 1 – One For Three

Elite Dragons 1 - One For Three - By Becca Van Erotic Romance

Elite Dragons 1 – One For Three

Brooke Marsh is at death’s door and suffering from exposure when she is rescued by Special Force operatives Coulter, Trace, and Corbin Thornell.

Coulter, Trace, and Corbin are members of the Elite Dragons, working and living together under the cover of running a horse stud with nine other operatives.

The three brothers are called in to rescue three women who have been abducted and carried over the border into Canada. They find the women, and even though Brooke is unconscious, they are all drawn to her.

They vow to protect her and find the leaders of the black market organ traders and take them down. But that isn’t the only threat to the woman they have feelings for. Can they find the spies amongst them and keep the women safe? Or will they be too late and lose everything?



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