After being attacked and stabbed for doing her job as a social worker in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sierra Langley is on the run. Weeks of recovery behind her and her attacker still at large, Sierra is frightened of her own shadow. Terrified that the man who’d hurt her was going to hunt her down, she packs up her things and leaves everything behind.

Justice, Weldon, and Rhys Channing know that Sierra is their mate as soon as they enter the diner and when they hear she has nowhere to stay they offer her their spare room.

Trying to convince Sierra that they are the men for her is difficult after she inadvertently learns they’re wolf shifters. Nevertheless, the blazing attraction between them can’t be ignored forever and Sierra finally agrees to be their woman.

Just as Sierra begins to believe that Rhys, Weldon and Justice have strong feelings for her, peril follows her to Ambrose, North Dakota.

While she’s fighting for her life she isn’t sure she’ll ever get the chance to tell the Channing men how much she loves them.

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