Here We Go Again – Taking My Own Steps
Rambling On… 28 May 2021.
We’re all so over Covid-19. Aren’t we?
Here in Victoria, we are in a week’s lockdown again because the virus is spreading again. Unfortunately, a person in hotel quarantine who was tested and cleared of the virus was released but managed to get Covid while in quarantine.
Contact tracing is being done, but that isn’t going to stop the spread. Because other friends and family of the infected person didn’t get tested or were asymptomatic, cases in our state are on the rise again. Hence the lockdown to hopefully stamp out more cases.
Hubby is lucky enough to be able to still work and of course, I can too. My son’s workplace is closed down for the week and since his girlfriend was already here, she’s staying and working from our house through the week.
My man and I had the first inoculation on Thursday last week. Since we didn’t get a choice on which jab, we had, I was quite anxious about having the AstraZeneca vaccine due to the possibility of blood clots. The AstraZeneca serum has shown to have a side effect of causing blood clots, however, the risk for people over the age of 50 has been deemed minimal. Getting the virus would be more of a risk than the vaccine. Since we’re over 50, we weren’t allowed to have the Pfizer vaccine because that’s being given to anyone under 50.
Because I was already rather stressed, then having the injection which had side effects, I didn’t feel well for about three days. I had a migraine for two days but to be honest, that was probably because I was so darned anxious, to begin with.
I’m also highly susceptible to colds and flu anyway, but both me and my other half had all the aches and pains you’d normally get with influenza. I also had a fever and was cold but on the fourth day, Sunday all those symptoms faded. I was kind of knocked on my arse, not feeling well at all.
Hence, the reason for the lack of a newsletter last week.
Even though neither of us felt great, I would still recommend everyone gets vaccinated so we can all get back to normal and no longer have to face being locked down.
Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo
What Have I Been Writing?
I’m still writing Slick Rock 34: Miracle. You’ll understand my reasoning behind my title if and when Siren BookStrand decides whether they want to publish my book or not.
I really like my heroine and the heroes in this story. The emotional connection between them is strong.
The Alpha Province Collection – Volume 1
If you haven’t tried the Alpha Province series yet, try it now!
Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.
Released March 18.
Alaskan Wildlands 2:
Blissful Wildfire
Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.
Release Date June 7
What Have I Been Reading?
Last night I completed reading Shielding Devyn by Susan Stoker.
This is the sixth book in this series and all are well worth the read.
Another wonderful story with action, emotion, and some steamy scenes.
I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next week.
Becca Van XXOO
PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…