Rambling On… 4 October 2019
Last weekend my daughter came for a visit for the weekend. She arrived Saturday afternoon and my sister came over for a visit too. Since that day was the AFL—football grand final and my sister isn’t really interested but her husband is an avid supporter she wanted to get out of the house.
We are considered strange in these parts as neither my hubby or I are really interested in football. My sister stayed and had dinner with us all—we sat down to a lovely roast lamb dinner. It was a great night. We were talking, listening to music and going through old records we still have.
Yes, I said records. Hubby and I have a collection of LPs’ we keep in a storage box in the cupboard. What a pity we no longer have a record player that works. Maybe we’ll look into buying a cheap player online so we can listen to music the old-fashioned way. Have you kept your vinyl treasures?
Sunday we all went out for dinner. It’s was so nice to have both my kids with us. My son and his fiancée, as well as my daughter and me and hubby, went. It was unfortunate that my daughter’s partner James didn’t come too, but shit happens.
Also, unfortunately, my daughter ended up feeling unwell after eating out and couldn’t make the two-hour drive home back to her house. She stayed Sunday night as well because of this and had to call work to take a sick day.
While she ordered and specified that her meal needed to be gluten free since she has coeliac disease, she still ended up ill.
Most of the time she’s okay to eat out, but occasionally someone in the kitchen gets things wrong. The poor thing had what we equate to a bout of food poisoning even though the food was fresh.
It’s so difficult for people with food allergies to trust someone else to prepare and cook their food. Just using a wooden spoon that has been in normal pasta, or a wooden chopping board even though it has been cleaned can cause someone with coeliac disease to become ill.
Whenever she comes home, I use plastic stirring utensils and chopping boards, so I don’t make her sick. I also open new jars of mustards in case the open one has been contaminated by someone by dipping a knife that has been used to spread over bread back into the jar.
I have to think about everything I use and instead of using the usual cloth to wipe the counters down, I use disposable wipes. If there are crumbs on the cloth that I can’t see, I may cause my daughter to become ill.
I accidentally poisoned her once by getting the wrong gravy out of the cupboard. I got the normal one instead of the gluten free one and my baby was sick for almost twenty-four hours. Of course, I felt terrible. It was a hard lesson for me to learn to be diligent whenever I’m cooking a meal for my daughter and family.
No one wants to accidentally poison or make their loved ones ill.
The last two days have been wonderful with the sun shining and higher temperatures. Today it’s quite cool and it’s been raining. That’s Spring in Victoria, if you are unhappy with the weather just wait a little while and it will change to something different.
I have no idea what we’re doing this weekend.
I think it’s our turn to go and visit my sister and her hubby. I also have to start getting some Christmas presents since I’m ordering some things online.
I can’t believe it’s only two months until Christmas, they have already started to bring out some Christmas stuff in the shops! Where has the time gone? Each year seems to pass by faster and faster.
It feels like it was only the start of the year about a month ago.
Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done?
I certainly do.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Stay safe, healthy and happy.
Love Becca Van. XXOO
What Have I Been Writing?
In last week’s newsletter, I told you all that I was writing Slave Gold Dimensions 3.
I changed my mind. I had the hankering to write Jacquie Regan’s story, sister to Jodi in Slick Rock 26. So, now I am writing Slick Rock 27.
I’m 10000 words in and will continue with this story till the end. Maybe next month I’ll go back to Slave Gold Dimensions 3, but I’ll have to wait and see what inspires.
Pack Law 9:
Reign Of Terror
Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.
Release Date November 4
Slick Rock 26:
To The Moon And Back
Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.
Release Date October 18
Pack Law 8:
Uncharted Territory
Available to Order now on Siren BookStrand website.
Release date October 4.
What Have I Been Reading?
I’m currently reading Susan Stoker’s Claiming Bailey, Ace Security book 3.
Each night I’ve gone to bed with my Kindle with every intention of reading for a while, but that hasn’t worked out. This is, however, no indictment of this book, I have found it to be really good so far.
After going away for two weeks for some much-needed rest and relaxation, and now being back to work, I’ve been tired by the end of the day. I’ve been lucky or unlucky enough to find my eyes closing after reading only a few pages and have given up.
The plus side is I’ve been sleeping well which is great since I usually struggle to quiet my mind enough to fall asleep.
I think I need to take more holidays. Lol. If only.
I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next week.
Becca Van XXOO
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