Enter The New Year. With Absolute Grace And Elegance. 🙄
Rambling On… 7 January 2022.
Happy New Year!!!
I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
I was lucky enough to spend it with my family and had a nice time.
On New Year’s Day, hubby and I took off for a camping trip five hours north of our home.
It was really hot on the Murray River, and I found it hard to adjust to the 40 degrees C temperature after only having one warm day at home. Thankfully, we could cool off in the river, but that was a feat in and of itself. All the really good flat camping spots with easy river access were taken since people go away over the Christmas, New Year break. Though we found a good spot to camp, access to the river was a bit difficult.
There was at least a two-metre-high steep slope for us to circumvent to get to the water which we managed okay, however, there was also another big drop from the bank into the river. It was a steep slippery wet clay and muddy slide that dropped off drastically from a narrow ankle-deep step to around one and a half to two metres. Getting in was the easier part since we just jumped, getting out was another story.
The first time we were getting out after a swim I ended up having to crawl up because it was so slippery. Luckily, my man could get a bucket of water for me so I could wash off all the mud.
Since I had so much trouble getting out of the river, my man tied a rope around a tree which helped but because I’m a klutz and a bit uncoordinated, I still had trouble and kept slipping.
It was funny and a pain in the arse at the same time.
On the third day we were there, I was using the rope to steady myself as I tried to get into the river, slipped and forgot to let go of the rope. I wrenched my arm and shoulder as I fell. No, I wasn’t hurt badly but I did injure myself.
We still had an enjoyable time camping in the peace and quiet, saw a few kangaroos which we, unfortunately, weren’t able to capture on the camera since they took off before we could grab our phones.
Because I didn’t think I’d be able to get in and out of the water anymore, we packed up early and headed to South Australia. The border restrictions, due to Covid, between states was abolished on New Year’s Day which was great because that meant we could go and see my husband’s parents for the first time in months.
We arrived at their place on Tuesday and stayed until Friday having a wonderful time catching up, talking, playing games, and relaxing.
It was wonderful to see my in-laws and make sure they were doing okay. Images of some Grain Silo Art on the trip home.
Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo.
What Have I Been Writing?
I haven’t written anything for a couple of weeks because I wanted and needed a break. However, this coming Monday I will be back at my keyboard and working on the fourth instalment of my Slave Gold Elite series.
Slave Gold Elites –
Amongst The Stars
Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.
Released December 27.
Slave Gold Elites –
Legend Of Sulpa
Available to Pre-Order on Siren BookStrand website.
Release Date January 17
Alaskan Wildlands 6 :
Rich Beyond Her
Wildest Dreams
Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.
Release Date December 6
What Have I Been Reading?
I’ve only read a couple of books over the last two weeks. One of them was The Baby Maker (The Hunter Brothers Book 1) by Lili Valente.
I wasn’t sure I was going to like this story, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was funny at times and engaging. I enjoyed reading this book.
I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next week.
Becca Van XXOO
PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…