Back Into The Grind… And It’s Hot😅


Rambling On… 14 January 2022.


Not much is happening Downunder…
Hubby and I are both back at work after our break and I have to say it didn’t take us long to get back into the swing of things.

Since it’s summer here, it’s hot but not because we’re getting ridiculous temperatures, though we did while we were camping. 40 degrees C is too hot for me especially when there is no air conditioning, but luckily there was a river to cool off in.

The humidity is very oppressive right now and though we’re reaching about 30 degrees C it feels way hotter.

My poor hubby is coming home drenched in sweat and covered in dirt every night and heading straight for the shower.

We’re hoping the moisture in the air lessens soon, but we’ll have to wait and see.

I haven’t been out since I’ve been sitting in front of my keyboard everyday and to be honest the way the Omicron COVID strain is so rife, I want to stay away from others as much as possible.

I don’t want this disease like everyone else and as soon as my man and or my son gets home I’m telling them to sanitise their hands. It might not be enough to stave off the spread, but you never know.
Unfortunately, my son’s girlfriend caught COVID from her dad. We were lucky enough to be unaffected as she was at her father’s home and not here. Her dad unwittingly gave to her on her birthday, as he works in the public transport sector in Melbourne and didn’t know he was infected. He didn’t even think the slight cough he had was the dreaded virus and didn’t get tested.

He was wrong and gave it to his daughter who has been quite ill. This could have been avoided if he’d just gotten tested and isolated. Maybe she wouldn’t be struggling if he had but we’ll never know.

My heart goes out to everyone who is sick with the virus because it is very, very unpleasant, and lethal. My son’s girl thinks she may be one of those people who will have ongoing issues for the rest of her life.

Even though she didn’t end up in hospital and it’s been over seven days since she was infected and is on the mend, she’s still having breathing issues. Maybe that’s because she also has asthma. I’m hoping she’ll feel better more like herself as time marches on.

Janice I’m thinking of you and hope you’re getting better too. Sending you my hugs, thoughts, prayers, and love.

Stay safe, sane, happy, and healthy.
Love Becca Van xxoo.



What Have I Been Writing?

I’m writing book 4 of my Slave Gold Elite series. Destiny Major has already been through the wringer and has only just met all three of the Anqua brothers.

King Rumic and his brothers, Cormic and Bodic have also dealt with a lot and find it difficult to trust a female.

Let’s hope the three brothers can let go of the past so they can have their HEA and a happy future.


Alaskan Wildlands 5 : Wildfire




Slave Gold Elites –               

                Amongst The Stars


Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo.



Released December 27.




Slick Rock 35 - Perfect Harmony by Becca Van


Slick Rock 35:

               Perfect Harmony

Available now on platforms like Amazon and Kobo. 



Released November 3.


Slave Gold Elites - Legend Of Sulpa - By Becca Van

Slave Gold Elites – 

             Legend Of Sulpa

Available to Pre-Order on Siren BookStrand website.

Release Date January 17

Alaskan Wildlands 6 - Rich Beyond Her Wildest Dreams

Alaskan Wildlands 6 :

              Rich Beyond Her

              Wildest Dreams

Available to Pre-Order now on Siren BookStrand Website.


Release Date December 6

What Have I Been Reading?

The Baby Maker (The Hunter Brothers Book 1) by Lili Valente

I’m currently about three quarters of the way through the first book of Bad Billionaires, Box Set, Billionaire’s Club Books 1-3 by Elise Faber.

I liked the first few chapters of the book but what happened after that turned me off the hero. I nearly didn’t read anymore because I began to hate Jarrod. However, he is trying and succeeding in redeeming himself and I will finish reading this story.

I will leave it there for now.
Enjoy your week ahead, until next week.


Becca Van XXOO

PS. Email me. Let me know what you would like to learn of me…